Morbi et tellus imperdiet, aliquam nulla sed, dapibus erat. Aenean dapibus sem non purus venenatis vulputate. Donec accumsan eleifend blandit. Nullam auctor ligula

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About Us

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What is AFECCC

Dedicated To Provide Best Services And Experiences

"A" Family Educational and Cognitive Services Coordination Centre (AFECCC) is the centre which has been established to help customers who are in need of educational and cognitive services to meet the experts and access the services easily, in desirable quality and in reliable manner. AFECCC registers and works with qualified professionals with good reputation and link them with customers in considerably conducive setting and time for both customers and themselves using possible desirable technologies and other facilities to enhance the services.


Years Of Experience In Providing Services
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Mr. Arabi Hassan
Founder & CEO
Who we are

Success after excellence

AFECCC is mainly dedicated to provide best services and experiences to both customers and professions. We believe that "the true success if achieved after excellence." We really value any suggestion, advice or support which aims at improvement of the services. AFECCC aims to become one of the best and reliable centre for coordinating services related to educational and intellectual skills.


Completed Projects


Children benefitted
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What we stand for

Our Values and Tenets

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worthy of honour, respect and good manner

honesty, trustworthiness, strong (consistent) moral principles

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true intention and freedom from deceit, hypocrisy and duplicity

being responsible and adhering act not to cause harm and help others

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prioritizing sustainable positive results & customer's satisfaction